There are a lot of videos and instructional material on the internet about beekeeping. In this collection are videos recorded by the River Valley Beekeepers Association, videos that we consider particularly useful and links to other instructional material.
James Rhein on hive splitting and swarm prevention. This is a four-part presentation to the River Valley Beekeepers Association on March 4, 2019. Each video is full of information. But if you don’t have time to watch the videos in their entirety, below are links to some of the more pertinent subjects.
Our friends at Central Beekeepers Supply in Russellville have an extensive collection of instructional You Tube videos too numerous to mention. Videos range from how to light your smoker to performing hive splits and everything in between. Check their You Tube Channel.
A popular educational series, the Complete Beekeeping Short Course, is available for you to watch online -- for free! All lectures are presented by University of Arkansas Extension apiculture specialist Dr. Jon Zawislak and EAS-certified Master Beekeeper.