There are many different types of beehives. But the most common type, by far, is the Langstroth hive. Starting from the top, the major components of a Langstroth hive are:
There are many other types of specialty equipment, but these are the primary ones.
Building your own equipment can be very enjoyable and rewarding. But before you start, one needs to ask the question “Why build your own equipment?” If your answer is to save money, you should reconsider. Unless you already have all the woodworking tools, a lot of free time and access to cheap lumber, you can buy ready-to-assemble equipment almost as cheap as you can build it yourself. This is especially true if you have to buy your lumber at one of the big box stores.
On the other hand, if you enjoy woodworking and just insist on “doing it myself,” it is a way to extend your beekeeping hobby into the winter months. If you are an aspiring woodworker, the techniques you learn while making your equipment will help with other woodworking projects.
So, if you still insist on building your own stuff, there are lots and lots of resources on the internet showing you how to do it. Rather than reinvent the wheel, here are some links to a few good resources.